Exhibition Assistant - M

by SimmeredJourney



"Effective customer service at the exhibition hall!"There are many customers/visitors visiting our booth at the exhibition hall, and we are busy responding to customers/visitors.Did you have a hard time organizing customer response data from time to time?The ExhiAssistM app supports exhibition halls to easily record and store response data so that our staff can focus more on customer service.By setting customer response items that are expected to occur repeatedly before the exhibition, you can record and save who, when, what, and how you responded with just a few clicks of a button.In this app, customer response data is recorded in KakaoTalks own chat window,1. KakaoTalk must be installed,2. When KakaoTalk is first launched through this app, it is convenient to set it to "Always"-"To me".It is essential to approve the camera and SMS [permissions] to use it without errors.